
closest distance
from Sun (AU)
time to orbit
Sun (years)
next or most recent
pass by Sun
Arend-Roland 1956 0.316 ? ?
Bennett 1970 0.538 ? ?
Biela 1772 0.861 6.62 ?
Borrelly 1904 1.358 6.68 2001
Brorsen-Metcalf 1847 0.479 70.6 2060
Chiron 1977 ? 51 2047
Churyumov-Gerasimenko 1969 1.29 6.57 2009
d'Arrest 1851 1.291 6.38 2001
Donati 1858 0.578 ? ?
Encke 1786 0.341 3.31 2003
Giacobini-Zinner 1900 1.028 6.59 1999
Grigg-Skjellerup 1808
1902 (rediscovered)
.989 5.09 ?
Hale-Bopp 1995 0.9143 4000 1997
Halley ? 0.587 76.09 2062
Hyakutake 1996 0.23 ~30,000 ~31,500
Ikeya-Seki 1965 0.008 880 2845
1983 0.991 ? ?
Kohoutek 1973 0.142 ? ?
Lexell 1770 0.674 5.60 ?
Linear 1999 0.762 ? ?
Morehouse 1908 0.945 ? ?
Mrkos 1957 0.355 ? ?
Wachmann 1
1908 5.448 15 2004
Wachmann 3
1930 .937 5.36 2006
Shoemaker-Levy 9 1993 collided with Jupiter in 1994
Swift-Tuttle 1862 0.963 120 ?
Tempel 1 1867 1.5 5.51 2005
Tempel 2 1873 1.381 5.29 1999
West 1976 0.197 ? ?
Wild 2 1978 1.583 6.39 2003
Wirtanen 1948 1.063 5.46 2013

Last modified January 9, 2004 by Randy Russell.

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