This eel is colorful, but still looks scary!
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Windows Original, adapted from Corel Photography
An eel is a long, thin creature that looks like a snake in the ocean! Eels range from a few inches to 6 feet in length. Many are very colorful and occasionally scary! Most eels live near corals where there are plenty of fish for food. Eels are typically night feeders, so finding an eel to photograph is a real challenge.
The Mosaic Moray is probably the ugliest looking of all the eels. It has a very dark, creepy, patterned skin and sharp pointy teeth. But divers should not be worried--the Mosaic's appearance is merely for defense. This eel is very unique, because it prefers octopus and other cephalopods over fish.
Some eels, like the Leopard Moray, can be hand fed by some divers. However, this can be very dangerous, because the eels can't tell the difference between the diver's hand and the fish they are providing! Fish lovers should also be aware that most eels are poisonous, and should not be eaten for dinner!
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