These Yellow-lined Goatfish can change colors if they need to.
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Windows Original, adapted from Corel Photography
The Mullidae family is more commonly known as the Goatfish. These special fish have the unique ability to change colors! They find their homes in coral reefs, sand or possibly seagrass. The Goatfish range in size from 12 to 20 inches, and are usually thick and short.
Some Goatfish are like the Dash-and-Dot Goatfish, in that they hide during the day and feast at night. There are some exceptions, such as the Yellow-lined Goatfish. They are much braver than their cousins, and search for food in broad daylight. This is why they can change color. The Yellow-lined species will turn white while searching for food in the sand.
Another interesting characteristic is what scientists call barbels. A barbel is a long sensitive tissue that hangs from a Goatfish's chin. They use the barbels to find invertebrates that are hiding in the sand. Molluscs and crustaceans seem to be the food of choice for most goatfish.
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