This picture shows the leaves on a tree. The leaves have turned colors because it was autumn when the picture was taken.
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Image courtesy of Corel Photography
Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Plantae contains almost 300,000 different species of plants. It is not the largest kingdom, but it is a very important one!
In the process known as "photosynthesis", plants use the energy of the Sun to convert water and carbon dioxide into food (sugars) and oxygen. Photosynthesis by plants provides almost all the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere. Because plants can make their own food, they are the first step to many food chains in the world.
The first plants lived on land about 450 million years ago. Since then, plants have taken on many forms and are found in most places on Earth. Plants can live in dry places or wet places, low places or high places, hot places or cold places. Humans can't live in a world without plants, so it is very important to protect places that have plants!
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