Various regions of the world all show warming trends over the past 100 years. These graphs compare the observed changes in temperature (black lines) with model results that include only natural climate forcings like volcanic eruptions and changes in solar energy (blue) and model results that use both natural and human caused climate forcings (pink).
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IPCC 2007: Working Group 1 - AR4
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Hundreds of experts from more than 100 countries work together to write reports that explain what we know about climate change. Their reports are based on all the books and articles that describe the science of our planet and its climate.
That’s the job of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – the IPCC.
The reports that they make about the planet’s climate are read by government leaders. The government leaders are from countries around the world that are making decisions about how to tackle problems like greenhouse gases and climate change. The IPCC reports help them make decisions.
In October 2007 the IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore for their efforts to share knowledge about climate change.
Last modified October 28, 2009 by Lisa Gardiner.
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