Arctic Weather

The Arctic or the area around the North Pole has pretty extreme weather!

Ok, so you know the Arctic is cold, right? Did you know that it can be -90°F (-68° C) in the winter in the Arctic? That's SO cold!

Not everywhere is that cold though. In summer, things warm up to 37-54° F (3-12° C). Still not warm enough to go to the pool! In winter things are very cold all over with an average Arctic temperature of -30° F (-34°C).

At least in the winter, it is least cloudy! The Arctic has the most clouds in the springtime. They are usually stratus and stratocumulus clouds.

Arctic places don't get much precipitation. What they do get is usually snow.

The Arctic can be windy! Winds sweep over big areas of land dropping loads of snow when a hill or building is hit. The summer months in the Arctic are the windiest.

Weather in the Arctic can be extreme, but many people have lived there for a long, long time.

Last modified June 28, 2007 by Jennifer Bergman.

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