This anaconda is looking for its next prey.
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Courtesy of Corel Photography
Tropical Rain Forest Reptiles
The tropical rain forests of the world are full of reptiles. Reptiles are cold blooded, which means their body temperature depends on their environment. So, it is important for them to stay in warm climates.
Snakes are reptiles, and the rain forests are home to many! The mamba family is the most poisonous of all. They kill their prey by injecting poison with their sharp fangs.
Anacondas make up another snake family. They are some of the longest creatures in the world, as they can reach 30 feet in length. Anacondas prefer to wrap themselves around their prey and squeeze, rather than inject poison. Anacondas swallow their prey whole and sleep while the food is digesting.
Chameleons are interesting lizards that can change color. This enables them to blend in with their surroundings. Not only is this a great disguise from predators, it is also an easy way to sneak up on their prey. But don't worry, chameleons only eat insects!
Geckos are very neat creatures. The flying gecko can glide from tree to tree to escape from predators. Their grip is so strong, that if you tried to pull one off a window, the glass would break before the gecko would let go!
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