A fiery explosion resulting from impact of two hijacked, civilian planes into the World Trade Center Towers. The World Trade Center Towers of New York City have fallen.
Spencer Platt - Getty Images

News story originally written on September 12, 2001

This is not an attempt to report news events related with the tragic occurrences in America yesterday. Please do see Google's listing of news pages that are giving current reports.

We recognize that in the midst of such hardships that hit so close to home, it would not be appropriate to report on happenings in other worlds, solar systems or galaxies. Today, we at Windows to the Universe simply want to join with all citizens of the United States and people around the world in offering condolences to all of those affected by the acts of terrorism upon the United States and thus all freedom-loving people. Our thoughts are with those who mourn and with those who have been harmed.

Last modified September 12, 2001 by Jennifer Bergman.

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