Student Projects
Check out the projects students have created using resources from Windows to the Universe, as well as other resources out there on the World Wide Web! Congratulations on a job well done!
Charlie's Cosmos - a web site put together by Charlie, Robert E. Bell Middle School, New York. This site explores the ins and outs of astronomy!
Earth - written by Megan.
The Event Horizon - science news, book reviews and more! A site created by Jenny.
Moonlink '99 A web site designed by students from Old Orchard Junior High in Skokie, Illinois. The site focuses on lunar exploration and specifically the Lunar Prospector.
Shadowchasers! Help out Inverness Middle School in taking autumn equinox measurements - September 23, 1999.
How to Post Student Projects
There are several different ways to have your project posted on this page.
1. If you have done a project on the Earth and Space sciences (or any other topic that Windows to the Universe touches on) and would like to submit a write-up of what you did and some pictures (photographs of you doing the project, drawings, graphs, etc),
please let us know this by our comments system and we'll get back to you about how to get YOUR project posted.
2. If your project is highlighted on an internet site, simply email us the internet address and we'll link to it.
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