Oscar Peralta
I studied Chemical Engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. After that, I realized that fluids flowing in a pipe was not as interesting as studying bigger things, like oceans, mountains, clouds, and the Earth itself.
So I studied then Earth Sciences at the same University. During my master degree I focused on carbon particles in the atmosphere, where do they come from, what are they doing, are they watching us? Too many questions and just a few answers. So, I began my doctorate studies to study the flying part of particles, that is the organic composition.
MILAGRO project is important to the people in Mexico City, if we want to play soccer and see the ball in clear days with no particles and no health damages, we have to learn how to eliminate them from the air. During this project I'm going to be on the guided visits to the research sites and reporting from the field any news from scientists and the atmosphere.
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