Postcards by Name
Chris Cantrell David Greenberg Barry Lefer Alison Lehnherr-George Judy Lloyd Oscar Peralta Dara Salcedo
Chris Cantrell
- 3/4/2006 First local C-130 flight from Veracruz
- 3/10/2006 Another C-130 flight over Mexico
- 3/10/2006 Instrument comparison in flight
- 3/15/2006 Ruins at Zempoala
David Greenberg
- 3/4/2006 Launching Our First Balloon
- 3/6/2006 Balloon Launch!
- 3/9/2006 Short Flight
- 3/12/2006 Success!
- 3/18/2006 Jetstream 31 Science Goals
- 3/18/2006 Live from the Veracruz Operations Center!
- 3/22/2006 Pollutants on the Ground
Barry Lefer
- 3/10/2006 Hazy day at T1
- 3/11/2006 NCAR trailers arrive!
- 3/12/2006 T1 Sunphotometer
- 3/14/2006 Clouds at T1
- 3/19/2006 Mexico City Pollution
Alison Lehnherr-George
- 3/7/2006 First Day in the Field
- 3/10/2006 Launching a Weather Balloon
- 3/12/2006 Changing the Filter
- 3/13/2006 The Pyramids of Teotihuacan
Judy Lloyd
- 3/10/2006 Greetings from the Tecamac Technical University Site
- 3/13/2006 Aboard the Gulfstream G1 Airplane
- 3/29/2006 Peroxides Measured at the T1 Site
Oscar Peralta
- 3/15/2006 UNAM trailer
- 3/16/2006 Light extinction of particles
- 3/23/2006 Fire nearby T1
- 3/24/2006 What does Tecamac mean?
Dara Salcedo
- 3/4/2006 T0
- 3/4/2006 Boxes
- 3/4/2006 Crane
- 3/12/2006 Inlet
- 3/15/2006 The other side of the wall
- 3/16/2006 Cerro del Chiquihuite
- 3/20/2006 Map of Mexico City