Drawing from a small bronze figure wearing a pointed cap, thought to represent the fertility deity Freyr, found at Rallinge, Sodermanland, Sweden.
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According to Norse mythology, Freyr was closely linked with the Sun.
He was the god of peace and fertility. His parents were the sea god
Njord and the giantess Skadi. He was part of the Vanir family which was
at war with the family Aesir.
Once, Freyr climbed into Odin's throne,
from which he could see into all worlds, and saw a beautiful maiden in
the underworld. She was a giantess and her name was Gerd. She had such
white arms that their brightness spread into the air and the sea. At
first sight, Freyr fell in love with Gerd and sent his servant
Skirnir to woo Gerd for him.
After a long journey and many adventures,
Skirnir finally reached the underworld with the help of Odin's magic sword.
Unfortunately, Gerd refused the precious gifts sent by Freyr. Skirnir
was then forced to threaten Gerd with his magic sword in order to
convince her to meet Freyr in a grove and become his bride.
The journey of Skirnir, whose name means Bright One, to bring about the marriage of Freyr with Gerd, is said to represent the journey of the Sun over the sky and down into the underworld.
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