This is an image of the Sif Mons on the planet Venus.
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Scandinavian story-tellers spoke little about goddesses, who were rarely the chief characters of their stories. Sif was the wife of the mighty Thor, the god of thunder. Sif was mostly cited for her conjugal fidelity, which she symbolized. She bore two sons from Thor, Magni and Modi, whose names respectively mean "strength" and "anger." The two sons' names indicate characteristics that they inherited from their father.

Sif was also mentioned in relation to the malicious god Loki, who one day cut Sif's long, blond tresses. When Thor discovered this, he was so angry at Loki that he decided to punish him severely. Thor was renowned for his extraordinary strength. He captured Loki and began to squeeze him ,threatening to break his bones. Loki cried for mercy and promised to convince some dwarfs to craft refined hair spun from gold which could flow from Sif's head.

One of the volcanoes on the planet Venus is named after the Norse goddess. Most of the planetary features of Venus are named after famous women and goddesses pursuant to a decision of the International Astronomical Union, the organization responsible for selecting names for all celestial objects. The probable reason for naming the features of Venus according to such criterion is because it's the only planet named after a goddess, the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

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