Myths about the Sky, Constellations, and Stars
Since long ago, people around the world have associated the heavens, the
stars, and the patterns they make in the sky with their gods and goddesses.
Links from this page will take you to descriptions of the role of selected
stars, star patterns, and related gods and goddesses in various cultures.
Explore Myths about the Sky, Constellations, and Stars

Explore myths about specific stars in the night sky ...
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Learn about how different cultures associated myths with arrangements of stars in the sky. ...
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Explore myths from various cultures about the sky and the heavens. ...
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Did you know?
Did you know that Egyptian hieroglyphics remained a mystery until around 1800? It wasn't until then that the
Rosetta Stone helped crack the code!
Did you know that, in Japanese and Inuit mythology, there is a Sun goddess rather than a Sun god?
Earth and Space Science Concept of the Day
Do you know what this word or phrase means?
Rayleigh wavexRayleigh wave : A Rayleigh wave is a seismic surface wave causing the ground to shake in an elliptical motion, with no transverse, or perpendicular, motion.
Click on the word to find out!
Research Highlights
There used to be sea ice floating on the tropical ocean, according to new evidence found by geologists. This was quite a long time ago, 716.5 million years ago, during a time known as Snowball Earth. This...
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