Image courtesy of Janine Goldstein

From: Janine Goldstein
Pfaffenbach, Germany, August 10, 2007


It has been raining steadily for 4 days. There is so much moisture that clouds form down in the trees. I had heard of that in fairytales, but I've never seen it for real. It is really pretty!

When the sky is solid clouds and it is raining steadily, they call it "stratiform". Since the scientists are not very interested in that kind of weather for this project, we stopped taking DOW measurements once the stratiform rain set in, which was around noon on Tuesday. The forecasters were hoping that there would be "enhancements", places where the storms get stronger, imbedded in the stratiform clouds. It turns out the conditions weren't quite right. We had left the DOW's at the site in France, where I wrote my last postcard, thinking we would be back in the morning, so we had to drive down and get them and bring them back to Gengenbach. Just driving to get them and coming back took about 4 hours!

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