Image courtesy of Janine Goldstein

From: Janine Goldstein
Ohnenheim, France, August 8, 2007

Big Storm

Hi! On Monday, I was in France collecting data. The forecasters predicted that a cold front would come through, and the scientists were hoping there would be lots of storms popping up along it. Since the storms were predicted to come during the night, we set up in the middle of the day and stayed all night long. So this was my second over-night operations. Sure enough in the evening a big storm came and blew right over us! There was lots and lots of rain. The picture is of the storm as it was starting to get big and before it hit us. You can see the rain coming out of the bottom of the storm. It's the straight up-and-down part coming out of the bottom of the cloud and hitting the corn.

When the big storm passed, the rain kept coming. It's Wednesday now, and it's still raining - can you believe it! I don't think I have ever seen it rain for two days straight where I am from, in Colorado. The rain isn't hard - it's kind of a fine mist with periods of heavier rain embedded in it - but it just doesn't stop. The ground is completely soaked.

Postcards from the Field: COPS

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