Hot off the Press
03/11/11 Massive 9.0 Magnitude Earthquake and Tsunami Hit Japan
08/19/10 Marine Scientists, Students Find Widespread Floating Plastic Debris in North Atlantic Ocean
08/18/10 Deadly Tonga Earthquake Revealed as Three Big Quakes
08/18/10 New Computer Model Advances Climate Change Research
08/12/10 Extended Period of Lower Solar Activity Linked to Changes in Sun's Conveyor Belt
08/11/10 Oldest Earth Mantle Reservoir Discovered
08/02/10 Triggers of Volcanic Eruptions in Oregon's Mount Hood Investigated
07/17/10 Gulf Oil Spill: Mississippi River Hydrology May Help Reduce Oil Onshore
07/08/10 New Findings Indicate Sediment Composition Affected the Strength of Sumatran Earthquake
07/01/10 A Star Is Born... But How?
06/17/10 Caribbean Coral Reef Protection Efforts Miss the Mark
06/14/10 Mysterious Clouds Produced When Aircraft Inadvertently Cause Rain or Snow
05/16/10 Unprecedented Warming in East Africa's Lake Tanganyika
05/13/10 Silver Tells a Story of Early Earth: Water Here Since Planet's Very Early Days
04/30/10 Pollution Speeds up Snow Melt in Europe and Asia
04/29/10 Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico
04/25/10 Soil Microbes Produce Less Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Than Expected With Global Warming
04/23/10 Even in the Desert, Plants Feel the Heat of Global Warming
04/22/10 Scientists Study "Glaciovolcanoes," Mountains of Fire and Ice
04/15/10 “Missing” Heat May Affect Future Climate Change
04/08/10 Geologists Uncover Major Ancient Human Ancestor in South Africa
04/02/10 Dust-on-Snow: On Spring Winds, Something Wicked Thus Way Comes
03/29/10 Climate Helped Bring Angkor to Its Knees
03/25/10 Pollution from Asia Circles Globe at Stratospheric Heights
03/17/10 Prescribed Burns May Help Reduce U.S. Carbon Footprint
03/04/10 Scientists Find Signs of “Snowball Earth” Amidst Early Animal Evolution
03/04/10 Revisiting Chicxulub
03/04/10 Methane Releases from Arctic Shelf May Be Much Larger and Faster Than Anticipated
02/27/10 Massive Earthquake Shakes Chile
02/25/10 More than One: Long-Reining Microbe Controlling Ocean Nitrogen Shares the Throne