Poetry and Pictures - Weather

Russian landscape painter Isaac Levitan (1860-1900) painted Evening on the Volga with large stratocumulus clouds above the calm river. Levitan was born in Lithuania and his family moved to Moscow, Russia where he learned to paint landscapes filled with emotion.
Public domain/Wikipedia


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But just what words?

We'd like to invite you to submit your own poem about this month's featured Weather image. Be as creative and expressive as you can! And check back next month to write another wonderful poem about a weather image.

by Belen, age 13, New Mexico

Not all poems rime, but they all speak an untold story. Words, like ghosts, reveal secrets. Secrets that only some hear. As the waves crash with the rocks, the ghosts lost at sea travel through the water of a river. Looking for the ones they left behind. Some of them are successful, others continue to roam the waters. But us mortals, can't see them. Just like we cannot stop to look at the beauties of this world. Wonders that hide when we look them. For, they are scared of what us humans have done. They may not be trees, but they do not want to be cut, hurt, and destroyed. Because our sin is hurting our home. The home that will one day be lost. Then we, we will be nothing more than ghosts.

Windows to the Universe, a project of the National Earth Science Teachers Association, is sponsored in part is sponsored in part through grants from federal agencies (NASA and NOAA), and partnerships with affiliated organizations, including the American Geophysical Union, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Earth System Information Partnership, the American Meteorological Society, the National Center for Science Education, and TERC. The American Geophysical Union and the American Geosciences Institute are Windows to the Universe Founding Partners. NESTA welcomes new Institutional Affiliates in support of our ongoing programs, as well as collaborations on new projects. Contact NESTA for more information. NASA ESIP NCSE HHMI AGU AGI AMS NOAA