This diagram illustrates the magnetic field lines around a pair of bar magnets.
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Electricity and Magnetism

Electricity and magnetism are two very important topics in the science of physics. We use electricity to power computers and to turn on a light. Magnetism makes a compass point North and keeps notes stuck on our refrigerators. Without electromagnetic radiation we would all be in the dark, because light is one of its forms!

Humans have learned to use electricity in the last two hundred years. Our modern world uses electricity in many ways. Electricity has changed the world a lot. Electricity in nature is also important. Natural electricity makes lightning and the signals that flow along your nerves.

Magnetism is also important in physics. Some materials, such as iron, are attracted to magnets. Other materials, such as copper, are not. We use the idea of "magnetic fields" to show how objects move when they are near magnets. The magnetic field of the Earth keeps us safe from harmful particles from Sun.

Last modified September 25, 2007 by Jennifer Bergman.

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