This picture shows the area within Isidis Planitia where scientists hope Beagle 2 will land. The orange oval is where they hope the lander will touch down. The oval is 174 km (108 miles) long.
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Image courtesy European Space Agency (ESA) - Illustration by Medialab
Mars Express Landing Site - Isidis Planitia
The European Space Agency (ESA) launched a mission to Mars called "Mars
Express" in June of 2003. The Mars Express spacecraft has two parts:
an orbiter that
will circle the Red Planet for at least one Martian year (687
Earth days), and a lander
named "Beagle 2" which touched down on the surface of Mars on December 25, 2003.
Beagle 2 landed in a flat area called "Isidis Planitia" that is inside an old crater.
Isidis Planitia is just north of the equator on Mars. Isidis Planitia is
very low, and may have
been a lake or a bay along
the edge of an ocean. Beagle 2 will search for life on
Mars. Places that have or had water are the best places to search for life.
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The European Space Agency (ESA) launched a mission to Mars called "Mars Express" in June of 2003. The Mars Express spacecraft has two parts: an orbiter that will circle the Red Planet for at least one
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