Schematic view of the inner structure of the Sun
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The Sun and the Solar Atmosphere
Scientists have named the parts of the Sun. The "surface" of the Sun is called the photosphere. The three areas inside the Sun are called the core, the radiation zone, and the convection zone. You can see these parts on the picture to the left.
The Sun has an atmosphere just like Earth. The Sun's atmosphere is the part that goes out from the "surface" into space. The Sun's atmosphere is much bigger than Earth's though - it goes all the way out past Pluto!
The Sun is a changing star. It has spots on it that change. They are called sunspots. The Sun also shoots forth material sometimes. Some of these explosions look like loops and some look like streamers shooting out into space.
There is also a solar wind that comes from the Sun. It carries with it a magnetic force from the Sun. This force has an effect on planets and moons through the Solar System.
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