Current Views of the Sun and the Aurora |
An image of the Sun's invisible outer layers (He I at 1083.0 nm), UT. Courtesy of the National Solar Observatory/Kitt Peak, NOAO. |
Signal light reflects the general level of space weather disturbance near Earth. (Click on the signal light for more details on how the disturbance level is determined.) |
Earth's aurora viewed with the Visible Imaging System onboard the Polar spacecraft. This is the best of yesterday's images--current views are also available. Courtesy of Dr. Louis A. Frank and Dr. John B. Sigwarth at University of Iowa and NASA |
The official Spaceweather Outlook and a detailed Report of Solar/Geophysical Activity are available from the Space Environment Center at NOAA |
More Details about What's Happening Today in Space
Basic Facts About Space Weather
This site is being developed as a component of the Windows to the Universe project, in collaboration with WeatherNet 4 and Rice Connections projects. The author and design team would greatly appreciate any comments you might have. If you encounter problems with the site, please direct them to the webmaster. Our thanks to all the individuals and institutions that have given us permission to highlight their images and/or data in these pages. A detailed list of credits for the site is currently in the works.
Last modified October 29, 2003 by Roberta Johnson.
The source of this material is Windows to the Universe, at from the National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA). The Website was developed in part with the support of UCAR and NCAR, where it resided from 2000 - 2010. © 2010 National Earth Science Teachers Association. Windows to the Universe® is a registered trademark of NESTA. All Rights Reserved. Site policies and disclaimer.