Join Us in Atlanta for NSTA!

The Windows to the Universe staff, and the rest of the crew at the UCAR Office of Education and Outreach, will be heading to the National NSTA Convention in Atlanta, April 1-4th, 2004 to present information about our resources for teachers and hands-on activities for the classroom.

If you teach Earth science or space science, we have presentations and workshops for you! Check out the lists below to find out when we will be presenting in Atlanta. We hope to see you there!


  Format Date Time  
More Than a Few Cents Worth of Science Workshop April 1 3:30-4:30
Sharing Professional Development Activities with Your Colleagues Online: The New GLOBE Model Presentation April 1 3:30-4:30
In a New Light—The Color of Weather and Climate Workshop April 1 5:00-6:00
Wonderful Weather, Forecasting, and Fun on Web Weather for Kids Workshop April 2 8:00-9:00
How I Spent my Summer Vacation: Summer Geoscience Education Workshops for Teachers at UCAR Workshop April 2 9:30-10:30
NESTA Share-a-thon I Share-a-thon April 2 9:30-10:30
NESTA Share-a-thon II Share-a-thon April 2 11:00-12:00
Magnetism Activities from Windows to the Universe Workshop April 2 11:00-12:00
What's Below the Surface? Activities for Understanding Earth, Inside and Out Workshop April 2 5:00-6:00
Windows to the Universe Just Got Better - Ahora En Espanol! Presentation April 3 8:00-9:00
NESTA/NAGT Earth and Space Science Share-a-thon Share-a-thon April 3 9:30-10:30
Using the Internet to Explore the Earth and Space Sciences Through Windows to the Universe! Workshop April 3 5:00-6:00


Join Us in Atlanta for NSTA!

The Windows to the Universe staff, and the rest of the crew at the UCAR Office of Education and Outreach, will be heading to the National NSTA Convention in Atlanta, April 1-4th, 2004 to present information about our resources for teachers and hands-on activities for the classroom.

If you teach Earth science or space science, we have presentations and workshops for you! Check out the lists below to find out when we will be presenting in Atlanta. We hope to see you there!


  Format Date Time  
More Than a Few Cents Worth of Science Workshop April 1 3:30-4:30
Sharing Professional Development Activities with Your Colleagues Online: The New GLOBE Model Presentation April 1 3:30-4:30
In a New Light—The Color of Weather and Climate Workshop April 1 5:00-6:00
Wonderful Weather, Forecasting, and Fun on Web Weather for Kids Workshop April 2 8:00-9:00
How I Spent my Summer Vacation: Summer Geoscience Education Workshops for Teachers at UCAR Workshop April 2 9:30-10:30
NESTA Share-a-thon I Share-a-thon April 2 9:30-10:30
NESTA Share-a-thon II Share-a-thon April 2 11:00-12:00
Magnetism Activities from Windows to the Universe Workshop April 2 11:00-12:00
What's Below the Surface? Activities for Understanding Earth, Inside and Out Workshop April 2 5:00-6:00
Windows to the Universe Just Got Better - Ahora En Espanol! Presentation April 3 8:00-9:00
NESTA/NAGT Earth and Space Science Share-a-thon Share-a-thon April 3 9:30-10:30
Using the Internet to Explore the Earth and Space Sciences Through Windows to the Universe! Workshop April 3 5:00-6:00

Join Us in Atlanta for NSTA!

The Windows to the Universe staff, and the rest of the crew at the UCAR Office of Education and Outreach, will be heading to the National NSTA Convention in Atlanta, April 1-4th, 2004 to present information about our resources for teachers and hands-on activities for the classroom.

If you teach Earth science or space science, we have presentations and workshops for you! Check out the lists below to find out when we will be presenting in Atlanta. We hope to see you there!


  Format Date Time  
More Than a Few Cents Worth of Science Workshop April 1 3:30-4:30
Sharing Professional Development Activities with Your Colleagues Online: The New GLOBE Model Presentation April 1 3:30-4:30
In a New Light—The Color of Weather and Climate Workshop April 1 5:00-6:00
Wonderful Weather, Forecasting, and Fun on Web Weather for Kids Workshop April 2 8:00-9:00
How I Spent my Summer Vacation: Summer Geoscience Education Workshops for Teachers at UCAR Workshop April 2 9:30-10:30
NESTA Share-a-thon I Share-a-thon April 2 9:30-10:30
NESTA Share-a-thon II Share-a-thon April 2 11:00-12:00
Magnetism Activities from Windows to the Universe Workshop April 2 11:00-12:00
What's Below the Surface? Activities for Understanding Earth, Inside and Out Workshop April 2 5:00-6:00
Windows to the Universe Just Got Better - Ahora En Espanol! Presentation April 3 8:00-9:00
NESTA/NAGT Earth and Space Science Share-a-thon Share-a-thon April 3 9:30-10:30
Using the Internet to Explore the Earth and Space Sciences Through Windows to the Universe! Workshop April 3 5:00-6:00

Page created October 7, 2003 by Lisa Gardiner.
The source of this material is Windows to the Universe, at at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; ©2000-03 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All Rights Reserved. Site policies and disclaimer