Flip Books!
This flip book series has been brought to you in celebration of
Sun-Earth Day (April 27-28, 2001). They were developed in partnership with Dr. Janet Kozyra at the University of Michigan, Space Physics Research Lab. Join in the fun!
Simply print the pages for one of the flipbooks below (a color printer would be ideal!). It works best if you can use stiff paper, but standard printer paper is fine too. Cut out each of the pages for the flip book along the sold line. All of the pages will be slightly different lengths. This makes it easier to flip through the book when it is finished. Arrange them in order according to the number on the top left hand side of each image. Line up all the pages by the edge that has a broken line marking the staples. Staple the left edge along the broken line. Your flip book is ready!
Aurora Flip Book Spectacular northern lights on July 14, 2000
Aurora Oval Flip Book See the auroral oval brighten and then dim again...
CME Flip Book A coronal mass ejection for the July 14, 2000 storm!
Another CME Flip Book Triple threat coronal mass ejection!
Solar Eruption Flip Book A powerful prominence from 1999!
Solar Flare Flip Book Make a flipbook of one of the brightest flares of the decade!
These are Adobe .pdf files. If your internet browser doesn't automatically open these files, download them and view them using Adobe Reader.
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