Workshop at the 2008 NSTA National Conference in Boston
Windows to the Universe staff presented a workshop titled "Interactive Simulations and Hands-on Activities across the Earth and Space Sciences" at the NSTA National Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, from 8-9 AM on Friday, March 28, 2008.
This workshop combined hands-on activities with computer-based interactives and animations.
Below are links to the resources (write-ups of hands-on activities and accompanying student worksheets, interactive simulations, animations, images, and web pages with relevant background information) used or referred to during this workshop:
- Climate
- Activities
- Carbon Dioxide - Sources and Sinks (in Spanish)
- Graphing Sea Ice Extent in the Arctic and Antarctic
- Interactives
- Select Various Maps Depicting Climate to View
- Maps of Projected Future Regional Climates
- Compare Images of Arctic Sea Ice Extent Side-by-side
- Compare Images of Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Side-by-side
- Animations
- Annual Variation in Sea Ice Extent in the Northern Hemisphere
- Annual Variation in Sea Ice Extent in the Southern Hemisphere
- Magnetism
- Activities
- Magnetometer (in Spanish)
- Magnetometer Extensions - Prospecting for Iron Ore & Seafloor Spreading (in Spanish)
- Terrabagga (in Spanish)
- Interactives
- Bar Magnet & Compass interactive (Flash)
- Bar Magnet, Compass, and Magnetic Field Lines (Java)
- Earth's North Magnetic Pole
- Earth's Magnetic Field and Compass
- Background info on site
- Planetary magnetosphere pages
- Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
- Detecting Planetary Magnetism
- Basics of magnetism pages
- Magnetic
Field, Magnetism, The
Force of Magnetism
- Orbits
- Animations
- Perihelion and Aphelion
- Elliptical Orbits
- Eccentricity of an Orbit
- Interactives
- Elliptical Orbits
- Mars Orbit and Opposition
- Comet Orbit and Tails
- Paleoclimateology - Dendrochronology
- Dendrochronology Interactives
- "Build a Tree" Dendrochronology Activity
- Align Tree Ring Cores Activity
- Project Learn activity page
- "Time &
Cycles - Dendrochronology" activity
- Student
- Climate Discovery Teacher's Guide activity - "Trees: Recorders of Climate Change"
Page created February 20, 2008 by Randy Russell.
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