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Windows Original
What's in a Name: | Arabic for "Follower" because it rises after the Pleiades. The Pleiades is a group of 6 stars traveling together through space. The eye of the constellation Taurus, the bull.
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Claim to Fame: | Brightest star in the constellation of Taurus, the Bull. 13th brightest star in the night sky (apparent visual magnitude = 0.9)
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Type of Star: | Orange Giant (K5 III Spectral Class). Fusing He to C/O in its core.
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How Far Away: | 72 light years
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How Big: | 50 times the size of the sun. Would almost fill out to the orbit of Mercury.
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How Bright: | 360 times the sun's luminosity (Mv=-0.49)
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Where to View: | In the constellation of Taurus, the Bull (Star Map).
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When to View: | October through March from the Northern middle lattiudes
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