The Constellation Hercules, the great warrior
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Hercules, the great Greek warrior, can be seen kneeling in the sky for
northern latitudes throughout the Spring months. Hercules first
becomes visible in the east in April, and works his way high across
the night sky through October. From the southern hemisphere, he
appears low in the north. Four of Hercules' brighter stars form what
is commonly known as the Keystone. Hercules' arms and legs extend
from this central square.
By far the most exciting object to see in Hercules is the magnificent
globular cluster M13, which is visible in dark night skies even
without binoculars or a telescope. With the naked eye, this cluster
of more than 300,000 stars appears as a faint fuzzy spot between the
stars which form the western side of the Keystone.
Many other constellations were unfortunate victims of Hercules, and
thus were also placed in the sky. According to the legends
surrounding Hercules, he slew Leo, the Lion,
Draco, the Dragon, and Hydra, a
Serpent with nine heads, as part of his Twelve Labors. Cancer, the
Crab was sent by Hera to annoy Hercules in his battles, and became yet
another victim of the hero.
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