Denver Sky Maps
Choose a month and time to view a sky map for Denver, CO. If you live anywhere near Denver, your sky will look very much like the image shown. The 15th of every month was chosen as the day. There are two different times given, because the stars are constantly changing due to the rotation of the Earth. Good luck!
January 15, 9:00 PM
January 15, 2:00 AM
February 15, 9:00 PM
February 15, 2:00 AM
March 15, 9:00 PM
March 15, 2:00 AM
April 15, 9:00 PM
April 15, 2:00 AM
May 15, 9:00 PM
May 15, 2:00 AM
June 15, 2:00 AM
June 15, 9:00 PM
July 15, 9:00 PM
July 15, 2:00 AM
August 15, 9:00 PM
August 15, 2:00 AM
September 15, 9:00 PM
September 15, 2:00 AM
October 15, 9:00 PM
October 15, 2:00 AM
November 15, 9:00 PM
November 15, 2:00 AM
December 15, 9:00 PM
December 15, 2:00 AM
All star maps were created using Home Planet, courtesy of John Walker.
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