Thank you for participating in Measure Your World! During the 2007 event, there were over 1500 students participating in 78 teams from the U.S., Chile and Mexico. The map below shows the locations of these teams. Reported calculations from the teams are displayed below.

measurement locations chilean students
Students from the Chilean team GENESIS
measuring their world!

chilean students
Students from the Chilean team GENESIS
measuring their world!

TeamID Team Nickname Country Earth's Circumference (km) Earth's
Radius (km)
18 ERATOSTENITOS Mexico 44557.8 7095.19
23 Gabycoxa Chile 43706.4 6956.07
40 GENESIS Chile 42397 6747
44 Saint Anne's Troyans US 40867.7 6507.62
47 Promedio Azul Chile 40280.9 6410.9
49 Falcon-Friends US 57899 9219
54 Equinoccio Guaycura Mexico 40554.8 6454.35
55 voyager Mexico 56700 9024.15
93 PREDICE Mexico 49964.7 7952.12
97 petrojaibo Mexico 48301 7687
99 Mayor 3 Chile 40965.3 6519.83
141 831 LOCS US 44247 7046
153 LOS PIE DE METRO Chile 34915.6 5556.9
201 Colegio Madrid 1 Mexico 39953 6359
202 Colegio Madrid 2 Mexico 43919 6989
203 Pedro de Alba 1 Mexico 31327.7 4985.96
204 Pedro de Alba 2 Mexico 51217.3 8137.27
210 UCAR US 41884.7 6666.16
212 Científicos en acción El Bosque Chile 33330.6 5307.41
999 Unknown 55917.3 10331.8
211 The Space Kids US 44729.41  


Accepted statistics on the Earth are:
Earth's circumference = 40, 064.7311 km and Earth's radius = 6376.5 km