Solar System Coloring Book--Saturn
Distance from Sun: 887,000,000 miles
Diameter: 74,978 miles or about 9 and a half Earths across
Number of moons:
Length of year: 10,759 Earth days (about 29 Earth years)
Temperature: -292°F
Saturn is mainly made of gas and liquid, with a small rocky core.
Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun, and like Jupiter is a giant planet. Saturn is made up mainly of gas, and has beautiful rings that circle the planet. The rings are made up of tiny pieces of ice, dust, and rock, ranging in size from less than one inch across to the size of a barn. Clouds circle the planet in bands of gold, beige, and white.
Other Coloring Books:
Sun | Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars | Asteroids | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Pluto | Comets