This is an illustration of Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter.
Click on image for full size
Courtesy of H.A. Weaver, T.E. Smith (Space Telescope Science Institute) and J.T. Trauger, R.W. Evans (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), and NASA/NSSDC
The Pieces of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
The pieces of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 received names! However not all of the segments were detected, and some sections broke apart into two or more pieces after the original piece had been named.
These are the names of the pieces and the times at which they crashed into Jupiter. The asterisks denote the most significant impacts. The gallery shows the images of these impacts, in order.
Impact | Time (1994) | | |
A | 16-Jul 19:05 | B | 17-Jul 02:00 |
C | 17-Jul 06:06 | D | 17-Jul 10:28 |
E | 17-Jul 14:33 | F | 17-Jul 23:30 |
G* | 18-Jul 06:51 | H | 18-Jul 18:49 |
K* | 19-Jul 09:40 | L* | 19-Jul 21:35 |
N | 20-Jul 09:23 | P2 | 20-Jul 14:13 |
Q2 | 20-Jul 18:57 | Q1 | 20-Jul 19:24 |
R | 21-Jul 04:55 | S | 21-Jul 14:46 |
T | 21-Jul 17:53 | U | 21-Jul 21:44 |
V | 22-Jul 02:56 | W | 22-Jul 07:39 |
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