Exploratour: Life on Mars?

Corel Photography
What Would Life Need?
What would life need to exist on Mars?- Warmth?
- It seems that the temperature on Earth (room temperature, so to speak) is just right for life. More importantly, chemical reactions take place at just the right speed in temperature ranges found on Earth. The speed at which chemical reactions take place is relevant to the formation and existence of life. Really extreme temperatures such as -300 F or 5000 F won't work. Thus an habitable planet can't be too cold or life won't be able to get started. Billions of years might pass before the relevant chemicals are exchanged because the chemical reactions take too long. And a planet can't be too hot or molecules won't stay together long enough to form solid matter.
- Oxygen?
- seems to be essential for life
- Water?
- water is a source of oxygen
- Protection from Ultra Violet rays
- Ultra Violet light breaks molecules apart