Fish are part of the ocean ecosystem. These fish shine in the clear blue water.
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Windows Original, adapted from Corel Photography
Ocean Life
There are all kinds of animals that we call
sea life.
Crabs ,
worms, eels and sharks are all sea life. These animals live in water their entire life. Crabs, worms and many others are called invertebrates because they don't have a backbone.
Whales, dolphins and otters are called mammals. Eels, sharks and rays are all fish. These animals survive in the salty water we call ocean. Scientists say life began in the oceans. So without them, we may not exist today!
Use the table below to learn more about ocean life.
One way to explore ocean life is by scuba diving. Another way is to use a submarine like the Alvin.
Last modified June 1, 2010 by Lisa Gardiner.
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