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Crabs are very neat animals! They have a hard shell that protects their soft bodies. They also have claws for grabbing food. There are many kinds of crabs. Some are a foot long, and others are very small.
Look out! It's a shark! Don't worry! Sharks aren't as mean as they look. Sharks are more scared of you than you are of them. Most sharks eat fish or crustaceans. Humans aren't on their menu! The great
Seals are probably the cutest animals in the oceans. Did you know that seals spend 90% of their lives in water? They only go on land to eat and shed their skin. Seals eat lots of different foods, including
Cnidarians are a special type of sea animal. All cnidarians have little stinging cells. Jellyfish, corals and anemones are all cnidarians. Corals look like plants, but are really animals. There are hard
Rays are really neat animals. They flow through the water like silk. Rays have soft, wide bodies. Some of them are dangerous, so you shouldn't try to touch them! The manta ray is the biggest ray of all.
Whales are the biggest animals known. The blue whale can reach 80 feet long! Even though they are huge, whales are usually friendly. It is people who are a threat to whales. Whales strain plankton from
Do you know what an echinoderm is? No? Bet you've heard of a starfish, though! Starfish, feather stars, urchins and lilies are all echinoderms. An echinoderm doesn't have a head. Instead, they look like
There are several types of fish in the oceans. One kind is the goatfish. Why is it called a goatfish? Because it looks like a goat! Have you ever seen a goat? If so, it may have had a small beard. Well,