This dromedary is waiting for its owner to return.
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Courtesy of Corel Photography
Camels - the Cars of the Desert
Camels could be included in the mammal section, but they are such an important part of the desert we devoted a whole page to them! Camels are the cars of the desert. They are the main transportation for people that live in the desert.
There are two types of camels: bactrian and dromedary. The main difference between the two is the number of humps. Dromedaries have one hump, and bactrian have two. Both kinds are used by people, but only bactrians are found in the wild.
Camels are used because they need very little water. Camels can withstand very high temperatures without sweating. They also store fat in their humps for food. If a bactrian camel travels a long distance without eating, its hump will actually get smaller!
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