When Nature Strikes: Landslides
In this episode, you will learn about a common natural hazard - landslides, and how we technology can help us identify landslide prone areas. By collecting field data, and combing it with LIDAR and aerial photography, 3-D imagery is created to show areas that are more prone to landslides than others by revealing scars of past landslides. Precipitation data can also be combined with geologic data to help identify regions that may experience landslides after a heavy rainfall.
By carefully studying recent landslides and historic landslides we can better prepare those living in susceptible to this natural hazard. Click on the video to watch the NBC Learn video - When Nature Strikes: Landslide.
Scientists like David Montgomery are studying the mechanisms behind landslides to help warn against future catastrophes caused by landslides. "When Nature Strikes" is produced by NBC Learn in partnership with the National Science Foundation.
When Nature Strikes: Using Models to Investigate Landslide Triggers Classroom Activity
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