This is a composite image of the small moons of Saturn.
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Small Moon

A small moon is a moon which is hard to see. The pictures of these moons are often fuzzy. This makes it hard to know anything specific about these moons. Small moons are about the size of a city.

As the cameras we send into space improve so will the pictures we take of these small moons. Here's an example of a picture of a small moon - Saturn's moon Helene which is only 10 miles across. It is still difficult to say anything about small moons because the images are so fuzzy. As images improve, we'll have a better understanding of what small moons are made of.

Right now, scientists believe that most small moons are also icy moons, meaning that they seem to be composed of ice. For example, Uranus' moon Miranda which is small, only 200 miles across, but seems to be made of ice.

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