Space Shuttle to launch on April 3 for new manned mission
News story originally written on March 31, 1997

On April 3, NASA plans to launch Space Shuttle Columbia into orbit. The shuttle will stay in orbit for two weeks. Several tests will be carried out. Columbia is expected to land at Kennedy Space Center on April 19.

The Microgravity Science Laboratory (MSL-1) mission, will study the effects of gravity on different materials. Gravity is a force from our planet that keeps us on the ground. In space, gravity is minimal or almost non-existent--this is called a "microgravity environment."

The Columbia Space Shuttle crew consists of the following: commander Jim Halsell, pilot Susan Still, Janice Voss, Michael Gernhardt, Donald Thomas, Roger Crouch, and Greg Linteris. STS-83 will be the 22nd Flight of Columbia.

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