This image is a radio map of Jupiter.
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Radio Signals of Jupiter

Radio signals are a signature of activity within the magnetosphere. There are many kinds of radio waves in the Jupiter environment. These are:

  • DIM - the name for radio waves which have a wavelength of DecIMeters
    DIM is also called synchrotron radiation. It is emitted by electrons traveling at relativistic speeds (the speed of light) trapped on magnetic field lines between r=1.5 RJ and r=3 RJ.

    This radiation is used to study the inner magnetosphere. Detailed maps of the intensity and polarization of waves have been produced, yielding info on the direction and magnitude of the magnetic field in the inner magnetosphere.

  • DAM - the name for radio waves which have a wavelength of DecAMeters
    DAM is the most intense of Jupiter's radio signals. DAM is often associated with the formation of the aurora at Jupiter (instead of Hiss, which is associated with the formation of the aurora on Earth).
  • HOM - the name for radio waves which have a wavelength of HectOMeters
    HOM is the name for radio waves which have to do with the solar wind entering the magnetosphere, just like Saturn's SKR radio signals.

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