This image shows the rock called "Souffle".
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Image from: NASA/JPL
Martian Weathering by Wind and Sand
Dried debris left after a flood is "wind mobile" and can be lifted into the air by winds. The general process by which this occurs is called "saltation". Saltation is the primary form of abrasion and erosion of the Martian surface. Saltation is carried to an extreme during the frequent Martian global dust storms.
Features found in and near the rocks by the Mars Pathfinder lander provide evidence for both sandblasting and saltation on the Martian surface. The rock shown here, dubbed "Souffle", is surrounded by wind drifts as well as showing evidence of pits and holes formed in the rock by sand erosion.
The power of particles for abrasive action depends upon how many particles are available, their size, and the angle of attack. On Mars the winds accelerate to higher speeds than on Earth so that the sand grains are accelerated to higher speeds as well, and for a greater length of time. This leads to a different angle of impact of sand grains on rocks and affects the gouging and chipping power of sandblasting winds. This makes the erosion of Martian rock a little different than on Earth.
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