This is an image of a plateau and surrounding steep slopes within the Valles Marineris.
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Image from: Malin Space Science Systems
Questions about Mars to be addressed by the Mars Surveyor Program
After decades of exploration of Mars, many questions still remain.
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Mars is not quite right for life as we know it on Earth. On a cold planet like Mars, water can become frozen into the ground. This water can only be turned into running water when the weather is warm enough.
...moreDifferentiation is a scientific term which really means "to separate". In their earliest history, elements which made the planets would part into separate regions, if the planet were warm enough. This
...moreAn important new result from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mission is the definite confirmation of the presence of a magnetosphere around Mars. Previous missions did not make very good measurements of
...moreThese are some of the initial findings of Mars Global Surveyor. There definitely is a magnetosphere near Mars. this finding suggests that scientists must rethink theories about the evolution of Mars. Surface
...moreThese are the findings of Mars Pathfinder. Rounded Pebbles were found - a result from analysis of the landing site, the rocks, and the soils. there were a variety of rocks deposited by a catastrophic flood
...moreThe rocks explored by the Mars Pathfinder's Rover are classified into two groups according to how they eroded. Rocks put in place as a result of an impact which forms a crater are usually much less eroded
...moreThe Mars Odyssey was launched April 7, 2001. After a six-month journey, the Odyssey arrived at Mars on October 24, 2001. The instruments onboard the Mars Odyssey will study the minerals on the surface