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This page is the start of the tour which explains the history of Mars exploration. Use the navigation button at the top of the page to move through the tour. To go to the next page, just press the forward
This page is the start of the tour which explores the history of Mars' climate. Use the navigation button at the top of the page to move through the tour. To go to the next page, just press the forward
This is a visual tour of photographs taken by the Mars Pathfinder and Mars Global Surveyor missions. Use the navigation button at the top of the page to move through the tour. To go to the next page, just
This page is the start of the tour which explains the carbon cycle of Mars. Use the navigation button at the top of the page to move through the tour. To go to the next page, just press the forward link
Mars is much like Venus-- it's very bright and therefore easily spotted in the night sky. Because of this, we don't know who exactly discovered Mars. We do know it was named after the Roman god of war,
The surface pressure of Mars is about 1/150th that of the surface pressure of the Earth. This means that there are much fewer molecules in the atmosphere. This means that the atmosphere near the surface
If approved, the Mars 2003 mission will have two important parts. The first is the Mars Surveyor 2003 Lander, which will be launched sometime between May 27, 2003, and June 17, 2003. The lander will use
This image of a potential landing site for the Mars '98 mission was provided by the Mars Global Surveyor mission. The landing site was suppose to be in the south polar region of Mars. In the image, ground