Courtesy of David Greenberg
David Greenberg
Hi, my name is David Greenberg and I'm the Director of Technology for the Mohawk Trail Regional School District in western Massachusetts. I've been helping teachers use computers in their classrooms for the last 10 years or so. I have a Masters degree in Education and before I worked in schools, I was a computer consultant and a hardware and software designer.
Actually, that's sort of where my interest in MILAGRO comes from. I own a small company called PAX Analytics that manufactures a 'plug and play' portable air quality monitoring system, used by a number of schools around the country, so when I got a chance to participate in MILAGRO, I just couldn't pass it up.
I will be working with Paul Voss, who is a scientist at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. Paul has developed this very cool balloon that can be controlled from the Internet. It carries several sensors and we will use it to see where the air pollution for which, unfortunately, Mexico City is famous, goes after it leaves the city.
I'm going to be posting to the Windows to the Universe web site and if I'm able to, I will try to upload some video footage of the exciting things we're doing in Mexico. Stay tuned!
Last modified February 9, 2006
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