"Perseus and Andromeda" by Vasari. Painting (1570).
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Planet Art.


In Greek mythology, Andromeda was the daughter of Cassiopeia and Cepheus, the king of Ethiopia. Andromeda's mother claimed that they were more beautiful than the sea nymphs, the Nereids.

The Nereids felt insulted by this and complained to the sea god Poseidon. Poseidon threatened to send a flood and a sea monster to destroy the kingdom of Ethiopia. The king was advised by the oracle to sacrifice his daughter. Andromeda was chained to a sea-cliff to be devoured by the sea monster.

Perseus, the nephew of the king of the city of Argos noticed her as he was sailing by and immediately fell in love with her. He promised to rescue Andromeda if her parents would allow him to marry her. Cassiopeia and Cepheus accepted. Perseus killed the monster and freed Andromeda.

Andromeda insisted that their wedding be celebrated. Unfortunately, her parents had forgotten their promise to Perseus. After the marriage, Andromeda left her country to live with Perseus who later became the king of Tiryns and Mycenae. The goddess Athena placed the image of Andromeda among the stars as a reward for keeping her parents'promise.

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