Nut was the Egyptian sky goddess. She was depicted as a giant woman who was supporting the sky with her back. Her body was blue and covered by stars. Ancient documents describe how each evening, the Sun entered the mouth of Nut and passing through her body was born each morning out of her womb.
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Nut was the Egyptian sky goddess. She was depicted as a giant, naked woman who was supporting the sky with her back. Her body was blue and covered by stars. Ancient documents describe how each evening, the Sun entered the mouth of Nut and
passing through her body was born each morning out of her womb.
According to an Egyptian legend, Nut married her brother, the earth god Geb without the permission of the powerful Sun god, Re. Re was so angry at Geb and Nut that forced their father, the god of air to separate them. That is why the Earth is divided from the sky. Moreover, Re prevented Nut from having children in any month of the year.
Fortunately, Thoth, the divine scribe, wanted to help her. Thus, he induced the Moon to play with him a game of draughts where the prize was the Moon's light. Thoth won so much light that the Moon had to add five new days
to the official calendar. Thus Nut could finally bear her four children: Osiris, Seth, Isis, Nephthys.
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