Tour - The Myth of Jupiter and Callisto
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In due time Callisto bore a boy child named Arcas. When Jupiter's wife Juno saw this evidence of Jupiter's infidelity she became enraged, and changed Callisto into a bear. Callisto was ashamed and afraid, and fled into the woods, not to see her son for many years. One day, when Arcas was a young man, he decided to go hunting and went into the woods where his mother Callisto, the bear, resided. Callisto saw her son, whom she had not seen for many years. Forgetting she was a bear, she rushed forward to embrace him. Arcas only saw a bear rushing down on him. He lifted his bow and let fly an arrow to the mark. At the last moment Jupiter intervened and cast Callisto and her son into the heavens as the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, the big and little bears, principal parts of which are the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. Arcas became the ancestor of the Arcadian race in the Peloponnesus.