This is an image of Triton.
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Surface of Triton
This gorgeous image of Triton reveals many interesting features of its surface. The surface of Triton is halfway between that of
Ganymede and that of
Europa, of the Galilean satellites. There are portions that are heavily cratered, indicating that they are of ancient age, and there are portions which are resurfaced and relatively new. This may indicate the presence of active processes in the
Sophisticated image processing has revealed what it may look like to practically be standing on the surface of Triton.
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Triton was discovered by W. Lassell in 1846. Of the 8 moons, it is the 2nd farthest from Neptune, with a standoff distance of 354,800 km. Triton may be one of the largest of the icy moons, is comparable
Composition is generally determined by detailed measurements of the spectra of an object. Spectral measurements of the surface of Triton reveal the presence not only of ice but of several different kinds
This gorgeous image of Triton reveals many interesting features of its surface. The surface of Triton is halfway between that of Ganymede and that of Europa, of the Galilean satellites. There are portions
Triton is by far the largest moon of Neptune, and is one of the most unusual large moons in the Solar System. The poles of Triton are especially interesting. Triton has a frozen polar cap with ice geysers.