A Look at Neptune's Magnetosphere
The magnetosphere of Neptune is very much like that of Uranus, medium sized but still much larger than the Earth's. Like that of Uranus, is probably made in the middle and with ice, rather than with iron at the core.
Like Uranus, the magnetosphere of Neptune has an extreme tilt, almost 60 degrees. Because Neptune itself is not tilted however, the magnetosphere of Neptune has a more standard, but still completely unique structure.
Mathematical theory suggests that the rings of Neptune affect the motion of particles in this unique magnetosphere, and also are responsible for the presence of three small plasmaspheres instead of one large version!
Like Saturn, Neptune's magnetosphere produces aurora but very faint ones, as well as radio emissions and other waves, such as whistler waves, chorus and hiss.
"What is a Magnetosphere?"
How We Detect Magnetic Fields with Spacecraft
The Poles of Neptune
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