postcards from the field COPS germany

Studying storms to improve weather forecasts

During the summer of 2007 (June to August) a team of researchers set out to study how storms form in areas of Germany and France. By making detailed observations of the way air moves in the atmosphere, how clouds form, and precipitation, they hope to help improve weather forecasts for the region. Janine Goldstein, a software engineer at in the Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, US, is with the research team. She is helping to run a "Doppler on Wheels", a large radar made portable because it is mounted to a truck. Postcards from Janine are linked below. Take a look at them to learn more about her experience with this research project called the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS).

Janine Goldstein studying thunderstorms in South-Western Germany from Janine Goldstein, August 5, 2007

Forecasting When Storms Will Start from Janine Goldstein, August 6, 2007

First Ops from Janine Goldstein, August 7, 2007

Big Storm from Janine Goldstein, August 8, 2007

Mist from Janine Goldstein, August 10, 2007

Visiting the DIAL from Janine Goldstein, August 11, 2007

Last Ops from Janine Goldstein, August 14, 2007

Last modified August 23, 2007 by Janine Goldstein.

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Janine Goldstein studying thunderstorms in South-Western Germany

Hi! My name is Janine Goldstein and I am a software engineer at NCAR in the Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL). I have worked at NCAR for 17 years. This summer I am in Germany helping to operate a radar...more

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