Saturn's one large moon, Titan, and several of the ringed planet's medium-sized moons. Earth's Moon is also shown for size comparison.
Click on image for full size
Original Windows to the Universe artwork by Randy Russell using images courtesy NASA.
Large and Medium-sized Moons of Saturn
Saturn has
moons. Many of those are tiny chunks of rock or ice only a few kilometers (miles)
across. One of Saturn's moons, Titan,
is much larger than the rest and
is amongst the largest moons in our entire
Solar System.
Midway in size between Titan and the many tiny moonlets are several medium-sized
moons. The image on this page shows Titan and the mid-sized moons of Saturn.
They are, in order from largest to smallest: Rhea, Iapetus, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus, Mimas and Hyperion. Two more moons, Phoebe and Janus, are visible in the larger version of this image (click on the small image on this page to see the larger image).
The picture also shows Earth's Moon for
size comparison.
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